Entire science lab in your pocket with the cynotics

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Interactive experimentation icon

Interactive experimentation

  • Safe, mobile experimentation
  • Record, track progress
  • Instant AI feedback
  • Instruction manual
  • Explore real-world applications
Streamlined access icon

Streamlined Access

  • Accessible anytime, anywhere
  • User-friendly interface
  • Personalized teacher feedback
  • Self-directed, real-time learning
Flexibility and accessbility icon

Flexibility and Accessibility

  • No lab needed
  • Easy experiment access
  • Wide range of experiments
  • Interactive, engaging learning


Explore our comprehensive range of cost-effective pricing plans, empowering science students with our innovative digital laboratory app, revolutionizing their learning experience while making it accessible to all.



  • 2 experiment per subject
  • Limited no. of self-check
  • Email Support
  • Help center access



  • All experiment of all subjects
  • AI-assisted self-check
  • Priority email support
  • Help center access


Contact us for our Enterprise plan - a tailored solution for schools and private tuitions.

  • Interactive Dashboard to monitor student progress
  • Real-time student analytics
  • White-labelled app
Free Pro Enterprise
Experiments limited Unlimited Unlimited
AI-assisted self-check limited Unlimited Unlimited
Industrial applications
24x7 dedicated Support
Progress report
White-labelled App
24x7 dedicated Support 24x7 support 24x7 priority support 24x7 dedicated support